Hatred rules the world – for how much longer?

von 2b am 20. August 2024
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As tears run down my cheeks, I say to a friend who is involved in the Palestinian issue: “I’m not getting involved.” Nevertheless, I suffer daily from the sheer endless horror that continues to take place in our highly cultivated human world. – Because to take sides would do my understanding of these terrible events an injustice. It is hatred that rules the world, and has done so for a very long time, as I explain in an essay entitled “Hatred rules the world”.
What’s going on there? Let’s consider that in the rest of the animal world, anger is a natural reaction in defense of life, but hatred – uncompromising hostility to life! – exists exclusively in us humans. I confess, I almost don’t dare mention the reason here. The book “HOMO CAPUT”, in which I devote a lot of space to this topic, does not seem to appeal to many readers. Well, I dare to do so anyway.
The fact that this hatred, blatantly contrary to cultural achievements, continues to break out – often expressed in self-hatred – must say something essential about the deep inner human condition over which we have no control. Let us bear in mind that both the majority of assassinations and most suicides are committed by young people in the transition to adulthood. In this unstable phase of life, in which decisive changes have to take place, hidden facts usually come to the surface and influence behavior, in other words: decisively.

I will limit myself here to naming the core issue of our inner state in this respect, which is unfortunately a general one. This terrible and frightening element, which, despite all our dedicated efforts, remains incessantly active, is merely the natural – for once literally meant! – consequence of our specifically human history. It is based on our inner unworthiness. Yes, terrible!
Where this tragic core of our human inner constitution comes from, which takes place on a daily basis in our close (relationship conflicts) and distant environment even without a genuine, nature-based reason, such as personally caused guilt, is something I talk about in detail in the aforementioned writings and in my blog “Forum UP!”.

As I have been driven by the true, genuine well-being of people since my youth and I am finally able to present a genuine solution, the working title of the book I am currently working on is: „Love conquers the world!Deep regeneration and its effects”.

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